UC Browser Android

UC Browser Android

UC Browser Android. One of the best substitutes for all your other Android browsers. It was basically designed for slower connections and for low-end computers. The browser is very safe to use and is also very fast. It is somewhat similar to Google Chrome and share most of its features for best.


Though this has a simple interface that enables easy usage it comprises of all most all the features a good browser should have. This is very fast and provide a very faster browsing experience. you can use this nice browser for all your browsing accomplishments including downloading, watching videos, browsing websites and so on.


Features of UC Browser Android

This browser is popular among most of the Android users due to its attractive features as a browser. The simplicity and the easy to use are some of the features leading to its huge popularity. But there are some other features you may like regarding this nice browser.



Fast in browsing and downloading

With UC Browser Android, you surely can enjoy the browsing very faster. The time taken to load the pages are very little. It loads all your websites and videos with milliseconds. So as downloads. This lets you to download most of the content you wish from variety of websites very quickly. If you are going to use the app, I am sure you will love this features a lot.

Nice way of watching videos

This lets you to make your video play in the background. You can only listen to the video while doing some other work. This is an exceptional feature which other alternatives do not have. Also, you can make your window watching the video hang on top of the screen by minimizing it. This is called small window features. You can engage in some other work on the browser while watching your video. Very cool feature.

Incognito mode

Incognito mode helps you to personalize your browsing experience. no one else cannot know your browsing history if you choose this incognito to browse through the bowser. This is a nice feature which helps in securing your privacy. Others will not be able to take a glance on what you are doing online.

Facebook Mode

This adds a separate compartment for the most popular social network. Facebook. You can scroll up and down through your Facebook account very easily due to this nice feature.

The other features you may love here includes:

  • Night Mode
  • Customizable themes and titles
  • Ad-blocking
  • Data saving and so on.

You can download this application using Google play store using other sources like ac market, aptoide and etc. Make sure to use app store to install applications. Because it ensures future updates and features. You can install ac market for IOS devices too.