MilesWeb – Best Cloud Web Host That Helps to Scale Your Business

MilesWeb – Best Cloud Web Host That Helps to Scale Your Business

Today is the age of the internet where people can easily think about and start their online business. Taking the help of the internet, people can either grow their local business or start a small business in a specific niche.

Though it seems easy to do the business, the challenges of increasing competition in every field makes it hard. Small and medium-sized companies must compete with the firmly established businesses in the market. Therefore, it becomes tough for them to keep up in the market.

Advanced technology is what can help them stand in the competition by providing the required support. Now, the businesses are highly dependent on leading technologies such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. These technologies are giving a boost to small businesses over their competitors.

Cloud hosting is been used by several big businesses to stay ahead of their competitors. It offers various benefits such as data security, flexibility, money savings, scalability.

In this article, you will learn about how cloud hosting helps small businesses to scale their business online.

MilesWeb – A Short Intro

Serving over 10000 customers today, MilesWeb ranks as the best web host globally. Established in 2012, the company took very less time to print its footsteps in different countries. Not only big businesses but also startups will find a cheap web hosting solution to cater their online requirements. They offer shared, VPS, reseller, dedicated, cloud, WordPress as well as domain registrations and other add-ons. Each of their web hosting plans is designed by considering requirements of each type of business. They offer what they commit and always keep transparency between them and their customers.

Let’s check their cloud hosting plans.

Cheap Cloud Hosting Plans

MilesWeb offers managed cloud hosting services as below:

Managed DigitalOcean Cloud

MilesWeb helps you to manage your DigitalOcean droplets which keeps away the obstacles, eases your cloud management and saves your precious hours for business.

Plans and Pricing


Complete Management: MilesWeb system admins take complete care of your cloud server and secure it. This saves your time and energy needed to manage the server on your own. This time can be utilized in running and boosting your business.

Expert Advice: Confused on which plan would be the best for you? Their cloud experts will help to select the best plan for your website.

Optimizing: Your cloud server is optimized and enhanced so that your website performance improves.

System Monitoring: Your DigitalOcean server resources such as CPU and bandwidth are monitored regularly. This ensures that your website doesn’t get crashed when there is a sudden traffic spike on your site. All the incoming traffic is closely tracked by their team.

Server Maintenance: MilesWeb team has a good experience of server maintenance and so easily manages all the daily operations and keeps your server updated. They make sure that the server doesn’t any technical errors which might affect your website and help run it smoothly.

Data Protection: The files on the server are continuously tracked to avoid any exposure to the web attackers. Data backup is taken on daily basis to avoid any data loss when there accidental errors. The data backed up can be restored when required.

Regular Updates: Updates are timely installed to keep your server’s software updated. You don’t need to worry about the downloading and installing of these updates manually.

Security: Server vulnerability is constantly monitored to keep your website away from any spyware, malware or unwanted traffic patterns. Due to this, your website remains secured from viruses.

Managed AWS Cloud

Your AWS cloud platform is completely managed by the MilesWeb team.

Plans and Pricing:


AWS Certified Team: MilesWeb has assigned a team of AWS certified professionals to manage your AWS cloud. They help you to take your AWS server ahead and keep it secure, powerful and hassle-free.

Time-Saving: Server related tasks such as updates, patching or other daily tasks needed for managing AWS are done by their team.

24/7 Available Support: Their team is available 24/7 to solve your AWS related queries. They are available via live chat or email.

Server Monitoring: They help to keep your AWS server up and running by constantly monitoring the traffic spikes, possible infections and other issues.

Optimization and Growth: Your AWS server is enhanced in terms of performance, expenditure and security to accept the cutting-edge AWS services.

Increased Productivity: Instead of worrying about your AWS cloud platform administration, let your team do what they are best at such as building products, assisting customers and making profits. This will help to increase your productivity.

Managed Jelastic PaaS

MilesWeb offers managed Jelastic PaaS too. They offer a free trial for 7 days after which you can sign-up for their paid services.


Simplicity: Once the configuration gets finalized, you can launch your cloud instances within minutes.

Reliability: Since every server is isolated in cloud hosting, the stress or negative impact on one server doesn’t affect the other server.

Customization: You can completely control your cloud environment and customize it in your own way.

Security: Don’t worry about your data when it is stored on cloud. The server data is distributed across redundant servers and the information stored is secured against the hardware failure.

Suitable for Every Business: Any application can be scaled in real time in public cloud. You also get the features such as automatic vertical/horizontal scaling, server load balancer, container service, DevOps automation and marketplace.

Easy App Deployment: You get over 100 popular applications in the cloud marketplace such as forums, wikis, content management systems, portals, developer tools and much more.

Affordability: Cloud hosting is based on pay-per-use model where you need to pay only for the resources used.

Scalability: You can scale a cloud instance either vertically or horizontally without any manual intervention. This saves your money as well as resources.

Final Words

You can see that cloud hosting helps to grow your business easily. If you are looking for a better option that is flexible, affordable as well as reliable then cloud hosting is the best one. Don’t look for any other cloud hosting provider than MilesWeb as they offer free trial and also fulfill all your business requirements.