Why a Template Isn’t Good Enough for Your Brand’s Website

Why a Template Isn’t Good Enough for Your Brand’s Website

Using templates is the easiest and the most cost-effective way of building a website—but it may not exactly be the wisest thing to do if you want a unique website to expand your brand.

You can find many template websites to choose from, but most of the best ones have been used too many times by many companies. Using a template will do little to set you apart from the competition compared to a customized website. If designed professionally, a customized website can bring in new customers, maximize user engagement, and convert visits to sales. 

Website Customization and Branding 

Using a brand template is like putting your brand in a box; you can’t customize your website according to your unique products or services and customer needs.

The only way to make your website stand out from your competitors is to have it customized through one of the best in class web design agencies. With an agency, you will get all the strategic advice and technical support you need to navigate through the website building process. 

Also, you won’t be held back by the following pitfalls of using a template website.

  1. Good Templates Are Overused

A template website might look appealing to your eyes. But hundreds of other websites might be using the same template as yours. So then how will your business look unique?

If you offer a unique service to your customers, you have to make sure your website is individualized enough to reflect this. Only a professional web design agency can give you a bespoke web build that can help you highlight your brand’s uniqueness.

  1. Limited Design Placement

You may have a lot of ideas about customizing your website. But if you have chosen a template website, there will be too many technical limitations on customizing it. You won’t be able to do much, even if you have the proper coding knowledge. 

You will hit an obstacle that will prevent you from implementing a much-needed functionality at some or another. You will then have to make do without that functionality or change your requirements according to the capacity of the template website that you have chosen. 

  1. Customization Restrictions

Building a website is all about providing the best user experience. That is the only thing that will make your visitors stay longer on your website and convert into your customers. To provide this, you will have to include certain features on your website that may not be available in a template website. 

  1. Unnecessary Features and Code

Most template websites are full of generic features and code that make its architecture more complicated than to be. Many of these features may be unnecessary for your particular website. 

  1. Fewer SEO Capabilities 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is something that is missing in template websites. You may not be able to adjust your page URLs, Meta Tags, CSS Images, and other technical details. That can gravely affect your search engine ranking negatively on Google. A web design agency will be able to include all the technical details of SEO that will improve your rankings and increase your conversions.

Say “No” to Template Websites

Despite the attractive look and the professional feel, a template website will not offer you the strategic approach that can convert your visitors into leads. You will have to work with a web designing agency to build an on-trend website with superior design and functionality designed specifically for your brand with your target audience in mind. Such a website will have all the elements such as design, content, SEO, and calls to action in place.

Shortlist a few web design agencies that have created websites for businesses in your niche. Go through their work and see if they can satisfy your specific requirements. Ask around, get recommendations, and go through the reviews to analyze the quality of their service. Take your time and make and know that making an informed decision takes a lot of time and a considerable level of commitment.