Technology: Consider Office Productivity and Morale

Technology: Consider Office Productivity and Morale

If you have ever used outdated technology at the office, you know it can have a giant impact on the morale of your employees. Not to mention, it will also hurt the productivity of their daily routine because they are using technology that is less efficient. Many times business owners will say that they cannot afford new technology. That conclusion comes from logic.

While there are aspects of upgrading that can be too expensive, the key to the situation involves knowing where to save and where to splurge. Here’s the golden rule to follow: If it will have a negative impact on your employees or the final result with the customer, then you will be better off upgrading. All of those factors will have an impact on your bottom line.

Do not be afraid to look at the devices that your employees are using. In doing that, you can decide on the level of IT support that they will require. For example, when you have a laptop, Smartphone, iPad and personal PC, that will require a lot more support than a part-time staff member with a single device. BYOD requires an IT policy to keep your data safe, and IT support in Orange County, CA can help with creating one.

 The problem with the BYOD movement is how those devices will be more susceptible to third-party exposure and outer threats. You have to address this issue if you will stop it ahead of time. Try to keep everything running at the most efficient level to increase employee morale and productivity.

Adding a Second Phone Number to Your Mobile Device

Smartphones have started to take over many areas of our lives, but it can sometimes be annoying when you have to separate your devices to accomplish the different tasks. It actually is fairly easy to add a new phone number to your smartphone, and you have plenty of reasons for doing it. For example, you may want the second phone number because it lets you sign up for promotions as needed, and you can take calls for your telemarketing list. In this way, your main phone line does not become your telemarketing phone number.

The technology has been designed to let you do call transfer, and it comes with a phone plan. If you have a phone that supports it, you can forward your phone calls to your smartphone. While you do have a phone for call transfers, you can take business calls even while on the go.

Traditionally, however, this feature does not let you make calls from your second device. Some of the phone solutions were designed specifically for business like Voice over Internet Protocol. That gives you the option to receive and make phone calls, and you do not have to jump through as many hoops.

Using Google Voice or Hangouts, you can sign up for a second phone and use Hangouts to make free phone calls. It is convenient, and you can get a great deal of use out of the Google account. The best part is how it saves you money. With setting up a second phone number, you do have options, so look around before making your final decision.