Android Apps that Keep Your Phone Clean and Quick

Android Apps that Keep Your Phone Clean and Quick

Keeping your phone clean is about more than screen wipes and phone cases. Your smartphone is a small computer that needs regular maintenance to keep it operating at full capacity and to save space on its hard drive.

Here we are going to look at a selection of Android apps that can help you maintain your smartphone by keeping it clean and will help you get the most from your indispensable device. Here are our top picks of phone maintenance apps for Android smartphones.


This app began its life as a PC program that helped users stay on top of their computers and delete web cache and cookies in one simple click.

It has quickly become one of the best apps available on smartphones to help clear the files that can slow down your phone’s performance, as well as delete web browsing history and recover space in your phone’s RAM. It also comes complete with an app manager – the simple way to completely remove multiple apps from your phone to free up space.


This app is great for all android phones and helps maintain their hard drive and SD card, as well as complete regular phone maintenance tasks.

Any type of Android phone, including the great range of phones available from TCL mobile UK, can benefit from SDMaid. It has a simple and easy to use interface that gives users a number of options, such as CorpseFinder. This tool searches your phone for ‘orphaned’ or lost files that have been left there by old apps you don’t use anymore. SDMaid safely deletes these files, freeing up space on your phone for more pictures, music, and apps.

Norton Clean

Norton is one of the most well-known names in computer security, and its Norton Clean app brings all this experience to the Android operating system.

This app is quick and simple to use, with complete phone cleaning accomplished in just a few taps of your screen. Its app manager function is one of its best features. This allows you to easily and quickly scan your apps and decide which to keep and which to delete. Then its software takes over and completely removes all traces of these apps from your phone to help free up hard drive space and keep your phone running smoothly.

Droid Optimiser

This is one of the most popular cleaning apps available on the Play store. It has a simple and easy to understand user interface, making it perfect for new users and people who don’t know much about how a smartphone works.

It also gives incentives for cleaning your phone and performing regular maintenance by ranking your phone’s performance and offering tips that can help you get more from your device. It even walks you through the permissions it needs, and why, and what regular maintenance can offer your phone, helping to make it popular.

Just one of these apps should give you everything you need to keep your phone in tip-top shape, but having a couple to use is a great idea to make sure you are keeping your phone as clean and quick as possible.